Reasons Why Okoth Obado Might Go to Jail Over Sharon’s Murder

Is Okoth Obado facing life in prison?

Okoth Obado, the embattled Migori Governor is in custody, awaiting trial which begins on Monday. Indications are that the governor might be heading to jail because the detectives seem to have put their act together and collected evidence which led to his arrest. What are the key aspects of evidence that might see Obado locked in for life or sentenced to death?

Almost every suspect in custody linked to the murder is a close Obado associate. Michael Oyamo, the suspect who rode in the same car that ferried Sharon Otieno to the crime scene, is the Personal Assistant of the governor. Oyamo might have believed that in his capacity as the Governor, Obado might be able to protect him after the murder. However, all the conspirators are now swimming in the same murky pool of suspects in the murder case and if he was acting on behalf of the governor, Oyamo’s testimony might be very detrimental to Obado if he rebels to try and save his skin.

Caspal Obiero, a second close aide of Obado, was also allegedly involved in the murder. In court, he might decide to yap about his role during the operation, who gave the order, how the murder was planned and how it was executed. In case he also decides to try and save his skin, Caspal’s narrative should implicate Obado and if his aides decides to dump him, they might be persuaded to fill in as state witnesses in exchange for a lesser charge. This strategy could enable the state to nail Obado.

A Key element in the pool of evidence is the car which was used to ferry Sharon to the murder scene.  The KCL Toyota Fielder belonged to Caspal Obiero’s wife. Caspal might have had no personal interest in getting Sharon killed. Under the circumstances, the logical conclusion is that he must have been acting on behalf of his boss, Obado. What the prosecution needs is a link between Caspal, the car and Obado’s order that Sharon be killed. If this link can be established, Obado will, no doubt, land in jail.

Obado’s contacts with murder suspects implicates him

Already, there is a motive for murder. Why? The Nation journalist has given evidence to the effect that Sharon played him an audio recording featuring Obado pleading with her to abort the baby but she allegedly refused. The baby was Sharon’s bargaining chip and it is natural that she refused the abortion offer.

The baby was problematic because information in the public domain indicate that Obado’s son was allegedly shacking with Sharon thereby sharing Sharon’s goodies with his dad. Obado may have been moved to order Sharon’s murder to eliminate the baby (and the threat Sharon had dropped) of exposing Obado’s nudes online. With the existence of a motive and a murder plot apparently masterminded by Obado’s aides, the prosecution will be able to demonstrate that the aides were acting under Obado’s instructions who was to be the main beneficiary of the murder.

During the period leading to the murder, the detectives have obtained evidence from Obado’s phone indicating that the governor was in contact with the suspects and probably following events. Obado had earlier told detectives that he was in Nairobi on the night of the murder. However, matters came to a climax when the detectives demonstrated (through Obado’s phone) that the governor was actually in Kisii at the time of the murder. The fact that Obado lied to the detectives is an indication that he was trying to hide something. This reality does not auger well for Obado because the lie he told police could point to the fact that he was trying to hide his location at about the time Sharon was murdered by placing it away from the murder scene.

Obado’s presence at the murder scene has legal consequences

Another key evidence is the reality that Obado visited the murder scene. Here, conflicting accounts exists. According to one account, Obado got to the crime scene and found Sharon alive. He then kicked her several times before he left for her killers to finish her off. According to another account, Obado actually arrived after the murder and kicked Sharon’s body several times. Whichever version is correct, the underlying fact is that Obado got to the murder scene, either before or after the murder. Why should the governor have been at the murder scene and how did he know the exact location of the crime scene if he was not in direct contact with the murderers?

This evidence about Obado’s presence at the murder scene was extracted from the taxi driver who allegedly drove Obado to the murder scene. If the taxi driver is a witness, Obado will be in problems because one, he had denied being present at the murder scene by telling detectives that he was in Nairobi. Secondly, he will have to explain why he found it prudent to travel to the murder scene, probably to confirm that Sharon was dead?

Life in prison or death sentence?

If the men who were allegedly surrounding Sharon at the murder scene (according to the taxi driver) confess that Obado did kick Sharon several times, it will be a confirmation that he wanted Sharon dead. This confession can be extracted from the witnesses during the enumeration of the chronology of events before and after Sharon’s murder. Once Obado’s name pops up and his presence linked to the murder scene,  it will then be impossible to divorce Obado’s motive to see Sharon dead from the governor’s movements and phone contacts with the alleged killers hours before Sharon was slain. Obado is, therefore, facing many hurdles.

If it can be established that Obado ferried himself to the murder scene before Sharon was killed, Obado will be at the center of the murder plan because there will be no explanation to justify his presence at the murder scene. Under the circumstances, the governor will be found guilty and either sent to prison for life or sentenced to death. Kenya commuted the death penalty for over 4000 death-row inmates but the death sentence has itself not yet been abolished. The best Obado can expect is life in prison. This is how we see it. Let us know what you think.


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