List of 20 Instant Fines on Roads as Broke Uhuru’s Government Hustles For More Revenue

As the financial crisis of the Uhuru government continues to deepen, the government has hatched a plan to milk more instant cash from Kenyan roads by exploiting the activities of lazy Kenyans who mess around with basic routines on the road. Here is a list of 21 offences which will attract instant fines.

  1. Driving without identification plates affixed or plates not fixed in the prescribed manner: Ksh 10,000
  2. Driving a vehicle without a valid inspection certificate: Ksh 10,000
  3. Driving without a valid driving license endorsement with respect to the class of vehicle: Ksh 3,000
  4. Failure to renew a driving license: Ksh 1,000
  5. Driving a PSV without the requisite qualification: Ksh 5,000
  6. Failure to carry and produce a driving license on demand: ksh 1,000
  7. Driving through a pavement or pedestrian walk-way: Ksh 5,000
  8. Failure by driver to obey instructions, verbally or by signal given by police officer in uniform who is executing his or her duties: Ksh 3,000
  9. Failure by a driver to conform to the indications given by any traffic sign: Ksh 3,000
  10. Causing obstruction by allowing a vehicle to remain in any position on the road in a way that inconveniences other road users: Ksh 10,000
  11. Failure to display reflective triangles or life savers in cases where any part of the vehicle remains on the road in a way that causes obstruction: Ksh 3,000
  12. Failure of a PSV driver or conductor to wear special badge and uniform: Ksh 2,000
  13. Motor cycle rider or passenger riding without protective gear: Ksh 500
  14. Failure to fix prescribed speed governor in PSV and commercial vehicle: Ksh 10,000
  15. Driving a PSV with tinted windows: Ksh 3,000
  16. Failure to carry fire extinguisher and fire kits: Ksh 2,000
  17. Driver using a mobile phone while vehicle is in motion: Ksh 3,000
  18. Driver picking up passenger at an unauthorized bus stop or terminal: Ksh 3,000
  19. Passenger alighting or boarding at an unauthorized bus stop or terminal: Ksh 1,000
  20. Travelling with part of the body outside a moving vehicle: Ksh 1,000

The new rules and fines mean that the traffic police will now have more opportunities to seek bribes from offenders who will be more willing to pay lower rates to police through bribery than pay the full amount.

Consequently, corruption within the police force is expected to increase while instances when police will have the opportunity to intimidate perceived violators of the rule will also increase.

The public will now suffer more intimidation by the police because the rules basically allow police to intervene on a wider range of perceived crimes on the roads. With the high level of corruption within the police force, the revenue the government believes it will collect will actually go towards enriching corrupt police. It is all the product of the hand-shake.

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